Toma Weita dziedājums
1.Ponchos Lament (bez txt uz ekrāna)
Poncho’s Lament
Well the stairs sound so lonely without you
and I ain’t made my bed in a week
Coffee stains on the paper I’m writing
and I’m too choked up inside to speak
And yes, I know that our differences pulled us apart
we never spoke a word heart to heart
And I’m glad that you’re gone
but I wish to the Lord that you’d come home
And I’m glad that you’re gone
got the feeling so strong
And I’m glad that you’re gone
but I wish to the Lord that you’d come home
Well my guitar still plays your favorite song
though the strings have been outta tune for some time
Every time I strum a cord, I pray out to the Lord
that you’ll quit your honkey-tonkin’ sing my song
And I’m glad that you’re gone
got the feeling so strong
And I’m glad that you’re gone
but I wish to the Lord that you’d come home
So I’ll throw another log onto the fire
and I’ll admit I’m a lousy liar
As the coals die down and flicker
I hear that guitar picker
Play the song we used to sing so long ago
And I’m glad that you’re gone
got the feeling so strong
Yes, I’m glad that you’re gone
but I wish to the Lord that you’d come home
And I’m glad, damn glad you’re gone
I got the feeling so strong
Yes, I’m glad that you’re gone
but I wish to the Lord you’d come home
3.Grapefruit moon
4.Tom Traubert's Blues
5.The Piano has been drinking
6.In the neighborhood
7.Rain dogs
Speciāli meitenēm
(jāatzīst, ka tikai dažas ir paciešamas)
Norah Jones ir diezgan laba
Vārdus var atrast šeit (visi linki ir http)
Īpaši advancētiem arī karaoke versijas:
Grapefruit moon
Tom Traubert's Blues (Walzing Mathilda)
The Piano has been drinking
In the neighborhood
Rain dogs
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Rez mežā dzima eglīte
Un mežā auga tā
Cik slaida, skaista zaļoksne
Tai ziemā, vasarā
Zem eglites mazs zaķitis,
Kaut arī bailīgs draiskuļo
Tik dažu brīdi dusmīgs vilks (pif paf)
ar pierī lodē krīt
Velk ragaviņas vecītis
Sēž iekšā maita zirgs
Viņš eglīti ir nograuzis
Līdz pašai galotnei
Lai meži atkal zaļot sāk
Cērt mana roka varenāk
Tik dažu brīdi dusmīgs vilks (pif paf)
ar pierī lodē krīt
Nu uzposta un greznota
Pie mums nu esi te
Cik daudz, daudz prieka mazuļiem
Tu nesi eglīte
Pār apsnigušo zemi
Ar lielām, retām pārslām
It visu, visu apsedzot
Krīt lēni pirmais sniegs
Uz nosalušām lūpām
Es noskūpstīju tevi
Mēs tā viens otru mīlējām
Jo abi bijām zēni, oktobrēni